Friday, March 19, 2010

“Escape Us Sleeping Beauty” (Part 4 of Free Writing Exercise)"

Continued from previous entry

I only saw sleeping beauty, but she was wide awake, her touch lit a rainbow across the snow capped mountains, only to melt the cold away, it was nice, and it is nice.  I’m so hard for her love.  Please.

I don’t believe that I saw sleeping beauty, grasp onto the changing dance moves of the samba in a state of reality, but that doesn’t make me mad at you, but she did samba in my fictional reality.  Sometimes the struggles fight far from the distant realism, from the waves that crash and break onto the plastic beach.  These waves are synthetic waves of love, or are they?

It seems like most of the world is filled with synthetic pleasures, but do we have to ride those waves in our boats, will the undertow grab our mind and suck us in with the current, keep us from seeing the sunlight of sleeping beauty, from her piercing eyes?  The sailboat took off, from the mainland, for a journey and destination out into the open.  She had this gorgeous green glow surrounding her and moving with the curves of her silky soft skin.  I knew these or understood the possibility of these visions being completely synthetic, but I could only hear one thing in my erect mind, although I could see hundreds and hundreds around, but my eardrums had only one focal point, that of sleeping beauty.

The orange sun started to play tricks during these synthetic waves, like I was walking the Las Vegas strip wasted on the hopes of winning the big one.  The boat came back to shore; sleeping beauty had little chimes beeping, all around her smile that kept twinkling like the stars that we all see, we see from all over the world, real or plastic, the stars shine always the same.

When the boat docked it was like a kiss good bye, but not a kiss to get away, but rather to sail further into the South American Sea.  As we had nothing left to play for, the plastic beach was completely color less, not even the Irish would occupy it, so sleeping beauty decided to make her new resting place in a new place, a place full of color and lots of lights, you could see the lights high in the sky on a jet plane.

To Be Continued….

“Escape Us Sleeping Beauty” (Part 4 of Free Writing Exercise) - "Love Sick Diaries"'s MySpace Blog |

“Escape Us Sleeping Beauty” (Part 4 of Free Writing Exercise) - "Love Sick Diaries"'s MySpace Blog |

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

“Escape Us Sleeping Beauty” (Part 3 of Free Writing Exercise) - "Love Sick Diaries"'s MySpace Blog |

“Escape Us Sleeping Beauty” (Part 3 of Free Writing Exercise)

Continued from previous entry

She sleeps so calmly, lying there in quiet passion with her back exposed showing her freshly sun made bronze tan, her long hair blowing slightly with the ocean breeze, her red beaded necklace drapes her skin sensuously. She really can be calm when the atmosphere is calm around her.

Cleaning up, picking up, and packing up objects of affection together can be a time of rejoice and rejuvenation, collecting our awaken dreams. A little time away from an awake sleeping beauty, has only one obstacle, an obstacle of forgiving any apologetic sorrows, an obstacle of forgetting the pain, and an obstacle of relief.

She spoke to me in warm tones of rainbow colors that unleashed the energy once again; today I felt all aspects of sleeping beauty’s persona. In her arrival, her smile hit my soul and it was touching.

At one point during the cycle of the moon and stars, she asked me to protect her. To protect her from bites and pains of the devils clinching jaws, and I hope I tried my best. I so much hate to see her in distress; it brings tears into my heart.

You can be anywhere in the world, where languages of confusion play games with your mind but you always seem to manifest and think about one person. That person is usually your drive. Sleeping beauty is and has been for time after time.

What the fuck is passion fruit? Does it bring passion? Jail time brings me more passion, but what is this fruit. The great aspect of traveling into a world of the unknown is that you have no safety net, you have nothing, and you just jump head first into a salty sea with waves breaking violently upon your faces. But through those violent waves you come to realize, what travels are about, that is the importance.

Her smile, the way she turns, the way she sways her hips, it all just gives me energy to keep on tackling these new adventures. Drinking and laughing with one another in an open field, full of daisies, is such a perfect moment of togetherness, even if millions floated in the flowers.

To Be Continued….

“Escape Us Sleeping Beauty” (Part 3 of Free Writing Exercise) - "Love Sick Diaries"'s MySpace Blog |

“Escape Us Sleeping Beauty” (Part 3 of Free Writing Exercise) - "Love Sick Diaries"'s MySpace Blog |

Monday, March 1, 2010

“Escape Us Sleeping Beauty” (Part 2 of Free Writing Exercise)

“Escape Us Sleeping Beauty” (Part 2 of Free Writing Exercise)

Continued from previous entry

It came to me, during a bout of what was meant to be the conclude of a festive finish, but lightening struck down upon my soul, thinking the rain possibly pouring down, losing all sense of living in a first world society. I was afraid.

Fearing only the worst, why do our minds, seem to only manifest the worst, but when in most scenarios the worst rarely ever occurs. But like the norm, I reacted in the worst, dropping to the floor of the urine soaked thrash littered pavement that filled and drove the sin throughout the south American streets, what was done, was without the sun.

I felt like a lost dog, scrounging for a bone, lost from home, looking for my bone. Eventually I gave up my search in despair, being taken in, sleeping beauty woke up, to me shining a bright light of joy, her smile was like the sun, shining brightly, keeping me sane, she knew exactly what I was feeling, she came down from the sky, she said all the right things, she made it all go away.

It seems though, just as the breeze cleared, the pulse of sleeping beauty dropped as well, although my mind of fear has vanished because of sleeping beauty, now I sense some sort of distance of a cold shoulder as if a glacier starts to melt instantaneously, out of no where, she floods quietly, my mind with subtle stances of hatred. It becomes all so confusing in these times, not sure what it’s all about.

Attempting neutral chats of unimportant conversation, seems to only work in momentary fashion, a fashion that we seem to both agree is quickly going out of style, so I am not sure why I continue to push an effort, the result just equates the same.

Maybe my efforts, based on the fact or concepts of a dream, dreaming that I would never meet someone like you, in a world like this. I can have these wicked dreams, with my eyes wide open, while sleeping beauty sits in a blank gaze starting at the crowded streets, cars honking vicariously through our veins.

Out efforts with whatever it is we do, can only be kept going with failure or success, by our drive and determination, we all have our own; mine is sleeping beauty. Symbols of mixed meanings can cause someone to go crazy, but maybe that crazy is what I seek from sleeping beauty.

She sleeps so calmly, lying there in quiet passion with her back exposed showing her freshly sun made bronze tan…


“Escape Us Sleeping Beauty” (Part 2 of Free Writing Exercise) - "Love Sick Diaries"'s MySpace Blog |

“Escape Us Sleeping Beauty” (Part 2 of Free Writing Exercise) - "Love Sick Diaries"'s MySpace Blog |