- Approach him/her calmly and use a simple conversation starter such as, "Hey, do we have math homework?" or "Hey what's up?" Talk to them like you would talk to your friends, only not in an offensive way.
- If he/she responds, continue the conversation naturally. Let it end naturally, don't be worried about awkward pauses.
- When it does end, depending on the conversation, say something like "Thanks" or "Talk to you later."
- If he/she doesn't respond, they are probably not interested in you. While you could keep trying, the best option might be just to move on.
- If you do want to keep trying, don't get on their nerves. Then they really won't want to be with you.
- If the conversation is going okay, like with some smiling on his/her part and he/she is putting effort into the conversation (like talking at least a little--some guys aren't big on talking and some people -- girls and guys -- are shy until you get to know them well), be sure to say something like "Hey, my name is _______. What was your name?" and then leave. This will give them a name to put with your face and think about it, he or she has to know your name before they can really dream about you!
- Make sure to not chicken out; it only becomes that much harder to you. Have faith.(:
- Take a breath mint before talking to him/her. You don't want them to think you have terrible breath. (they will probably be turned off).
- Girls, don't apply too much make-up, you won't look as good and he might be turned off by it.
- Also, try to smell nice! It's all about the pheromones. If you smell sweet, their knees be weak. If you're not into perfumes/cologne, just put on deodorant. Just make sure you don't put on too much.
- The first time is usually the hardest. Each time you talk to that person after you break the ice, it will become easier and easier. Eventually, they should approach you as well.
- Girls, don't act preppy around them, that only turns them off...
- Talk about something that interests both of you. If one of you are bored with the conversation, it will probably not be a very good conversation.
- If you are a straight guy, don't look at her boobs. Look at her no lower than her chin.
- Never lose self respect. Never do anything that your not 100% comfortable with doing!
- Always look your best, especially for a first impression.
- Remember not to be too mean when you tease.
- Never tell a lie to make yourself look better; chances are they will end up finding out the truth about you and think you're a compulsive liar.
- The person you have a crush on may have a boyfriend or girlfriend. If this is the case, talk to them, but don't be too bold and ask them out, unless you want their partner to become very upset at you. If you let them see the good qualities in you, they may consider dumping their partner and giving you an opportunity.
- Be careful how and when you let them know that you like them. Don't be too bold. Basic flirting should get the job done to let them know that you are available.