Monday, March 1, 2010

“Escape Us Sleeping Beauty” (Part 2 of Free Writing Exercise)

“Escape Us Sleeping Beauty” (Part 2 of Free Writing Exercise)

Continued from previous entry

It came to me, during a bout of what was meant to be the conclude of a festive finish, but lightening struck down upon my soul, thinking the rain possibly pouring down, losing all sense of living in a first world society. I was afraid.

Fearing only the worst, why do our minds, seem to only manifest the worst, but when in most scenarios the worst rarely ever occurs. But like the norm, I reacted in the worst, dropping to the floor of the urine soaked thrash littered pavement that filled and drove the sin throughout the south American streets, what was done, was without the sun.

I felt like a lost dog, scrounging for a bone, lost from home, looking for my bone. Eventually I gave up my search in despair, being taken in, sleeping beauty woke up, to me shining a bright light of joy, her smile was like the sun, shining brightly, keeping me sane, she knew exactly what I was feeling, she came down from the sky, she said all the right things, she made it all go away.

It seems though, just as the breeze cleared, the pulse of sleeping beauty dropped as well, although my mind of fear has vanished because of sleeping beauty, now I sense some sort of distance of a cold shoulder as if a glacier starts to melt instantaneously, out of no where, she floods quietly, my mind with subtle stances of hatred. It becomes all so confusing in these times, not sure what it’s all about.

Attempting neutral chats of unimportant conversation, seems to only work in momentary fashion, a fashion that we seem to both agree is quickly going out of style, so I am not sure why I continue to push an effort, the result just equates the same.

Maybe my efforts, based on the fact or concepts of a dream, dreaming that I would never meet someone like you, in a world like this. I can have these wicked dreams, with my eyes wide open, while sleeping beauty sits in a blank gaze starting at the crowded streets, cars honking vicariously through our veins.

Out efforts with whatever it is we do, can only be kept going with failure or success, by our drive and determination, we all have our own; mine is sleeping beauty. Symbols of mixed meanings can cause someone to go crazy, but maybe that crazy is what I seek from sleeping beauty.

She sleeps so calmly, lying there in quiet passion with her back exposed showing her freshly sun made bronze tan…


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